Tuesday, 8 September 2009

We have eggs!

It has been a glorious day, sunny and warm, I let the chooks out into the garden, they love scratching around. They would be really good at weeding except they don't know the difference between a plant and a weed! We have eggs now! I am like a child on christmas morning, when I go down to peep into the nesting box, finding an egg there! It is wonderful. They now have their own personality, Daisy will do abosolutely anything for corn, and is quite happy to be held and stroked. Edna is the escape artist, always looking round to see if she can find a way out! May has settled in well, following the others, but Dolly is the scary one, she makes awful squarking noises, won't be tempted by corn and generally seems to be a little bad temperd! Still, they are laying and (Dolly excepted) seem to be very happy.

This is Edna scratching
around, the problem with trying to take their photo's is that they usally have their faces pecking the dirt and their bottoms in the air! Such a lovely girl!

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