This is a wonderful read, if you want to get away from all the miserable credit crunch the end of summer and how most people around seem to be grumpy and downright nasty. Debbie is a fantastic writer amazingly she has dyslexia and really struggled to get published, I am so glad she did.
This book is about a yarn store, and delivers a cosy tale of four very different women, (this lived up to the promise of the Friday Night Knitting Club, which I personally found rather disappointing!).
I know it all seemed to fit very neatly at the end, with a lovely happy ever after, but it is so nice to inhabit a world where people connect and care about each other.
Pippa this one is for you, especially as it is a lovely crafty tale! You just want to pick up your knitting, curl up under a cosy quilt and enjoy the lovely Autumn evenings.
I love Debbie Macomber--I've enjoyed everything of hers that I have read.