Friday, 11 September 2009

Silky Tango skirt

Tango is fabulous, not only is a wonderful dance but the dresses are so feminine, you have to wear something silky and high heels! I spend most of my time at the Milongas (evening dances) looking at what the other women are wearing! Pretty soon after starting out, I had exhausted my wardrobe and needed something different, so what joy when I found this half completed skirt in the bottom of my fabric stash! Most of the hard work had been done, the pattern however was designed to have an elasticated waist, (not a good look for me!) so I put in a couple of darts, a side zip and bound the waist with bias binding. I only wish I had bought more fabric, it is a wonderful weight, swings beautifully and is lovely to wear!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you enjoy your Tango as much as I enjoy my belly dancing! I love looking at the costumes. Thanks for your comment on my blog. The exhibition went very well. I was in stewarding on friday and it was good to see how people reacted to the things. It is the sort of thing that keep me making though I am always wondering what I should really be doing with my time.


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