Mmn Autumn, season of mists and mellow I love September!
September comes as a welcome relief, the Forest has been full to bursting with tourists, now the children have gone back to school there is a feeling of being back to routine.
I love the Autumn, not only for the glorious colour, but the change in weather, so that it is no longer sinful to sit indoors and craft away. The hedgerows are full to bursting with blackberries and there is nothing better to make me feel like a domestic goddess when the freezer is full of home made cooking!
September offers new beginnings, classes to sign up to, opportunities to take up. I always love the local college prospectus.... shall I learn to make hand made chocolates? Or will it be Spanish? C has signed up for Upholstery, which is something he is interested in. King of procrastination, it is an chance to get down to his own personal form of creativity. He is extremely talented and far more productive in his creativity than I am! (The wonderful garden is a shining example to his practical creativity that gives me pleasure every day!)
I have decided not to sign up for anything, despite the opportunities there. I am on a bit of a curb at the moment. I go through phases of rushing around to various activities: The WI, Tango, Book Clubs, Writing groups, Jive dancing, stitch and chat, Embroidery Group, Cinema with friends, Reading – the list is endless. I am not really sure what all this frantic activity is all about but suddenly I find I am getting stressed about all the things I am doing and end up not doing anything!
My problem is that there is so much out there, so many opportunities that I want to try them all, it is the same about craft. I see something inspirational, say on Flickr, or in a magazine and I want to have a go, but then I see another activity and off I go on that one.... I don’t think I actually finish anything much, just end up with a shed full of half finished projects. This is dangerous, because it seems like there is nothing to show for your efforts, and then it becomes self sabotage!
So the secret is to limit the stimulus, not to go on Flickr or look at magazines, just take the time to do one project at a time. I think I need this for my sanity!
So no more WI, Jive, Reading group (they want me to read catch 22! No way!) Embroidery group, Flickr, magazines or craft books... now I am going to try to keep the stimulus low so I can take my time and enjoy the current project. (just to see how long I can keep it up). Tango on Tuesdays (no more milongas!), creative writing on Mondays and that is ALL!
Well apart from this blog of course!