Sunday 31 January 2010

House for rent!

I was watching some beautiful blue tits nesting in a friend's bird box and decided it was time I put up one of my own. This one was rather plain so I spruced it up, I think it resembles a Swiss cottage now! Hopefully Clive will put it up just at the apex of my little shed, it will give the birds a lot of shelter. Clive suggests I put it to one side to save being decorated when I step out the door, only time will tell which one of us is right!

I saw two sparrows munching on the bird seed I put out yesterday, such a joy to watch!

January has come to an end at last, lets hope the bitter cold of today gives way to a little spring sunshine! I bought a huge bunch of daffodils, which are to me like a vase of sunshine!

To give me something to look forward to I spent time this morning sowing seeds, carrots, sweet peas and tomatoes. I am hoping to get a green house but before we go to the expense of buying a glass one, Clive wants me to try a plastic one for the first year he seems to think I will lose interest after a while... me? er um...let me think... fads.... lets see shall we?


  1. Ooh, that's a lovely bird box, I hope you get some viewers soon!!

    Daffodils are my favourite flowers I've come to the conclusion. They just come at a time when we're crying out for fresh greenery and scent and need a glimpse of Spring. Where we live, they grow loads of daffs, sometimes we pass the pickers in the car on cold Feb/March mornings and I always think what a back-breaking job it must be.

    I'm dreaming of a greenhouse when we move too. No room for one here as the children's trampoline takes up a third of our garden space!

    Thank you for the lovely comments you left on my blog by the way. xx

  2. Love the bird box what a nice idea, I've got A bird bath, must get a bird box too! xX


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