Wednesday 13 January 2010


Here is my latest picture, inspired by the workshop on Saturday, we discussed all the blockages that stop us painting, or engaging in art or craft activity. The background consists of comments from our 'inner critic' as well as all the excuses we use to stop us from being creative. On top is an intricate butterfly: black background with silver overlay. (I did these wings three times, once using parchment and once on the card and then again because the glue smudged all my intricate drawings!!!
At the bottom of the canvass is the word


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  1. That is beautiful; I think it is easy to make excuses not to be creative, and very hard to be happy and confident in your own abilities.

  2. Hey !!! that tea cosy ,fantastic, I ,m going to see if I can do one . It,s the nicest I have seen, I hope you will allow me to steal, please leave word on my blog if you don,t want me to try-------cottonreel

  3. my word, that is an art piece!! So beautiful and delicate.

    I like the background excuses - that's me!

  4. What a wonderful picture! I love butterflies.

    Just wanted to drop you a quick note so say thanks for following me. Although I’m in the US, I am a Brit, and miss Home just a tad ;) Loved looking over your blog at all the Christmas snow I missed :(

    Take care,

    p.s. your vintage apron is to die for!


Hi thank you for stopping by and reading my post, I really value your comments, thank you