Saturday, 17 January 2009


Begin... just begin
at the beginning or the end
just begin

Begin again, put pen to paper
or set your foot on the tread
and follow with another ...

make a mark...
and start a spark...
and tend the fire within ..
breathe in and be inspired.

Time is running
don't let it run out
time is turning and it doesn't wait...

clouds drift, sun burns
rivers flow, things die
and grow

Does a bird wait to sing?
this moment won't ever be again
so begin

Just do it
a chance not taken
ends with nothing...

listen to your heart
don't miss a beat!

you are the answer
and the question..


I found this on a journalling website, and it sums up my feelings for this year. There are so many things I plan to do, yet every year I find I have not done any of them. So I have decided this year I would spend this year living mindfully. That is taking time to enjoy each moment. Stopping to notice the world around me.

Last Saturday I was driving through the New Forest, it was a cold frosty morning. It had been cold all week and frost had covered earlier frost until each and every tree and bush was completely highlighted in frost. It was simply beautiful! I just stopped and looked. No other car or person in sight, just my warm car, and the beautiful scene. Even more beautiful than snow, because it just softens every shape, but frost just enhanced each branch into a feathery pattern.